Family Camp

We went to family camp on September 3rd and it was so much fun, let me tell you the story.

It was a long ride there but it was worth it, we got there checked in and then we went to our cabin. The cabin was meant for a lot of people but because it was family camp we only had 4 of us in there. We had a lot of time before our shower time so we unpacked and went swimming. After swimming we went back and played charades, and it was so much fun. We played for an hour or so and than went to bed. The next day we had slept in so we had to get ready quick for breakfast. We got ready and went and it wasn’t so bad, after that we went back to the cabin to get ready for all the activities, the first thing we did was archery it was fun and we weren’t to good. After that we went to the farm to say hi to the animals there, the last thing we did for the day was kayaking which we all really enjoyed. We went to the cabin chilled there and than had dinner. We showered at our shower time and than went to bed. The last day of family camp we went tubing for the whole day and did some bb’s. Family camp was so much fun and I can’t wait to go next year.